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Frontline Heroes Programs

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Select Your Frontline Heroes Program

SSTRA Restorative Equine
Experience for Frontline Heroes

Your facilitator Robin Ruel and one of our great horses will offer you a Restorative Equine Experience that aims to provide relief to frontline workers from the mental stress and anxiety they experience working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Click below if you've already enjoyed this program
and would like to experience it again!


Sponsor a Frontline Hero Program

Not every Frontline Hero will be able to afford the $65 cost for a Restorative Equine Experience. We have a solution for that! In conjunction with this new program, SSTRA developed the Frontline Hero Appreciation Fundraiser to provide members of the public an opportunity to gift an experience to a Frontline Hero.

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Click below if you have been nominated as a Frontline Hero.

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